It is proceeding apace, the Jump start sale, that is. Not being a January white sale, necessary purchases have not been postponed by buyers eager to replace ragged sheets and toweling. No real obsolescence with our pieces, but low enough in price that it stimulates.
Fascinating, this notion of stimulation, begging questions about what makes the difference between passing interest to, as we say in retail, ‘pulling the trigger’? More pleasantly put, an affirmation of a desire to purchase is what everyone in retail is after, as it signals consumer confidence- be it a January white sale or our Jump Start sale of English antiques. My nephew and gallery colleague Jack Tremper tells me that our website hits are at nearly an all-time high for the month of January. Good news- interest has to start somewhere. Will this be followed by a wave of trigger pulling? We are optimistic, and optimism is the precursor of confidence- which, by the way, is contagious.