It is gratifying to find that there really is a generational change occurring amongst buyers of artwork and English antiques. I know that our own experience is at best anecdotal, but it is a clearly demonstrable phenomenon for Chappell & McCullar this year. We have enjoyed visits with a number of younger collectors that we’ve welcomed children in tow, and sent them out with something to try out, wrapped snugly in the back of the SUV along with the stuffed animals. Mercifully, most of these sales have stuck.
It must be something in the air- some bucolic aroma I guess that has displaced the miasma of last year- as age is not the only common feature. Young, starting a family, and purchasing a new, family-size house are features they all seem to share. Mind you, most of these are sales that have resulted following, shall we say, protracted pricing discussions. That said, we all want to preserve our cash so that someone wants a bit extra is understandable. If someone feels as though they’ve made a purchase at a good price, they will further be favorably disposed to continue to grace us with their custom. That’s fine by me. Keith and I would like to have the opportunity to make a sale or two next year, as well.