Keith and I do not work well together. We do, most things, but when it comes to physical labor, our routines are not the same- I push when I should pull, and he the same- so as a consequence, Keith will set up our stand at an antiques fair with assistance from someone- anyone- other than my own good self.
The trade in English antiques, as you can see, is fraught with domestic discord.
Keith does, fair to say, get the booth right, well, virtually all the time, and his placement of these mirrors was certainly clever. Of exquisite rococo form with warmly glaucous early period plate, while lovely seen straight on, Keith had them positioned so they could also be seen reflected in another mirrored piece, the doors of a George I bureau cabinet. Masterful, but in a subtle way, as the brilliance of the mirrors was intriguingly modulated through the filter of the period glass fronting the bureau cabinet.